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  • #8 August Who Says You Can't Teach . . . Adult ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression - Is There a Link?

    Copied from Play Attention: A new study published in Scientific Reports reveals a definitive link between ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Research from scientists at the University of Bath in the UK found that adults with significant ADHD symptoms had greater likelihoods of experiencing anxiety and depression than their peers who had significant symptoms of autism. The lead author of the study, Luca Hargitai, said: "Scientists have long known that autism is linked to anxiety and depression, but ADHD has been somewhat neglected.” Additionally, Hargitai said, “Our aim was to precisely measure how strongly ADHD personality traits were linked to poor mental health while statistically accounting for autistic traits." It has long been known that autism and ADHD are often co-morbid or co-occurring. Both ADHD and autism often lead to internalizing one’s problems which leads to anxiety and depression. Co-morbidity has made it difficult for researchers to determine the severity of ADHD on problem internalization versus the severity of autism on problem internalization. Hargitai and the Bath team sought to determine the mental health outcomes of individuals who don’t share ADHD traits and autistic traits. News said of the study that, “ADHD traits were highly predictive of the severity of anxiety and depression symptoms: the higher the levels of ADHD traits, the more likely a person is to experience severe mental health symptoms. Through innovative analytical techniques, the study authors further confirmed that having more of an ADHD personality was more strongly linked to anxiety and depression than autistic traits.” According to Hargitai, “"The condition [ADHD] affects many people – both children and adults – and the fact that more people are willing to talk about it is to be welcomed. The hope is that with greater awareness will come more research in this area and better resources to support individuals in better managing their mental health."

  • #7 July 2023:Who Says You Can't . . . Deep Breathing Exercises To Improve Focus and Decrease Anxiety

    (Copied from a Play Attention Blog: Deep breathing exercises have been shown to have a significant impact on reducing stress and anxiety while improving focus and overall well-being. Studies have found that when we breathe deeply, it can help calm the nervous system, lower blood pressure, and reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body. One study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that deep breathing exercises can improve focus and attention by increasing blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for executive functions like decision-making, problem-solving, and planning. This increased blood flow can improve cognitive performance and help individuals feel more alert and focused. In addition to improving focus, deep breathing exercises have also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. When we are stressed or anxious, we tend to take shallow breaths, which can lead to an increase in cortisol, the stress hormone. By taking slow, deep breaths, we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to decrease cortisol levels and promote relaxation. One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that deep breathing exercises can help reduce symptoms of anxiety in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder. Participants in the study reported feeling more relaxed and less anxious after practicing deep breathing exercises for just 15 minutes a day. There are many different types of deep breathing exercises that individuals can try to improve focus and reduce stress and anxiety. One popular technique is called 4-7-8 breathing, where individuals inhale through their nose for a count of 4, hold their breath for a count of 7, and exhale through their mouth for a count of 8. This technique can be repeated for several rounds until the individual feels more relaxed and focused. Another technique is called diaphragmatic breathing, which involves breathing deeply into the belly rather than the chest. This technique can help individuals activate the parasympathetic nervous system and promote relaxation. In conclusion, deep breathing exercises are a simple and effective way to improve focus, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. By practicing deep breathing exercises regularly, individuals can reap the benefits of increased focus and reduced stress and anxiety levels.

  • #6 June 2023: Who Says You Can't Teach Our Brain New Tricks? - "Where Are My Keys?"

    I really loved this article from the April 2023 AARP Bulletin in the Your Health section. It took a great deal of shrinking/cutting and pasting to be able to post it and share it with you. It was my keeping my brain sharp exercise for today.

  • #5 May 2023: Who Says You Can't Teach Our Brain New Tricks? - "Do you have ADHD?"

    This blog is being written and monitored by Dr. Sharon Kochlany (one of the LCWA board members) who is an expert in cognitive training and executive function. She is an executive function coach and a Play Attention Certified Provider. Each week, she will share another tip to improve your cognitive skills. The brain at any age can improve. Research is now showing that many adults have ADHD. These adults went throughout school without ever being diagnosed. Many of these blogs will revolve around Adult and child ADHD as many of us have grandchildren or children with ADHD as well. Those who have ADHD have weaknesses in executive function and therefore this will be another area of brain processing that will be covered. Come back each month to become more aware of what you can do so that you can ward off mental decline. I am going to separate these discussions each month as they are getting a little tedious to read in one blog discussion. Feel free to contribute to the blog as well. Writing can help executive function. Post your questions as well. Picture is copied Month of May, 2023 Do you have ADHD? Studies show that if your child or grandchildren have ADHD, there's a 50% likelihood that one of his or her parents or grandparents does as well. The term ADHD and its treatments were not very well known when seniors were growing up. There are many seniors who are ADHD, but were never diagnosed, and are now struggling with executive function weaknesses. Many seniors assume that their failing memory, disorganization, and lack of focus are due to aging and possible Alzheimer's Disease never thinking that they might have ADHD. Declining brain function and ADHD symptoms are often synonymous. Having ADHD is not a terminal disease. Executive function weaknesses associated with aging and/or ADHD can be addressed and cognitive skills can be strengthened. The blogs for the next few months will feature articles on adult ADHD and/or the aging brain. There are so many of us seniors suffering with it unknowingly. It is important to understand it so that an action plan can be developed and everyday living can improve. You may exhibit some of the symptoms of ADHD due to the natural aging process without actually having ADHD. These blogs and articles will be of great benefit to you as well. The following article will help you to understand ADHD and it will provide some answers to questions you might have about your own brain. Adult ADHD symptoms include difficulty with time management, memory, organization, emotional regulation, and more. Do any of these symptoms strike a cord? Then be sure to read this article and future blog postings. Adult ADHD: A Guide to Symptoms, Signs,and Treatments By ADDitude Editors Medically reviewed by William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA Updated on January 20, 2023 Adult ADHD: Overview Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) is a neurological disorder that affects an estimated 4. percent of U.S. adults, and is more commonly diagnosed in men (5.4%) than in women (3.2%)1. ADHD in adults is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity that interferes with and imp work, home life, and relationships – especially if left untreated. ADHD was historically considered a childhood condition, but it is now recognized as a lifelong condition that persis well into adulthood. Persistence rates, however, vary, ranging from 6%1 to 30%2 and perhaps even higher.3 Individuals with ADHD may receive a diagnosis in childhood or well into adulthood. Trends show a rise in rates of ADHD diagno among U.S. adults in the last decade.4 Still, many adults with ADHD never receive a diagnosis in their lifetimes. Scientists believe ADHD is significantly underdiagnosed in adults.5 What Does ADHD Look Like in Adults? ADHD or ADD symptoms in adults broadly resemble the common signs of childhood ADHD. However symptomintensity — especially hyperactivity — is known to decrease over time for many individuals.6 What are Common Adult ADHD Symptoms? Inattention Poor attention to detail Difficulty getting started and completing tasks Difficulty focusing and regulating attention Forgetfulness Poor time management, organizational skills Impulsivity Fidgeting Restlessness Interrupting frequently Talking excessively Emotional dysregulation Low frustration tolerance [ADHD Directory: Find an ADHD Specialist or Clinic Near You] Challenges Associated with Adult ADHD Adult ADHD impacts virtually every aspect of life, more so if the condition remains undiagnosed, untreated, or ineffectively treated – all of which can have detrimental effects on an individual’s psychological well-being and quality of life.6 Adult ADHD Impact on School and Work Performance Adult ADHD symptoms like poor time management and concentration, procrastination, and forgetfulness can and domake school and the workplace difficult to navigate. Many studies have linked ADHD to difficulties in school (including higher education) and in the workplace.7 Individuals with ADHD are more likely to face difficulty gaining and maintaining employment compared to neurotypical adults, especially if they did not receive treat ment in childhood.8 Adult ADHD Impact on Relationships ADHD symptoms in adults like poor listening skills, low frustration tolerance, inability to follow through with tasks,and impulsivity can lead to a number of difficulties with romantic relationships, friendships, familial relationships, and other social connections.5 Adult ADHD Impact on Criminality and Safety Research has linked ADHD in adults to criminality, rule-breaking, and other legal and safety issues – including greater risk of getting into car accidents compared to the general population.9 One study found that individuals who present ADHD symptoms in childhood are more likely to engage in criminal activities as young adults than are non-ADHD individuals.10 Another recent systematic review estimates that 26% of prison inmates have adult ADHD.11 Adult ADHD Impact on Substance Abuse ADHD and substance abuse are strongly connected. ADHD adults are twice as likely to be diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) compared to individuals without ADHD.12 Many adults with ADHD and SUD report using substances like alcohol and other drugs as a way to self-medicate and manage ADHD symptoms.13 Adult ADHD and Comorbid Conditions Adult ADHD seldom exists alone. Roughly 60% to 70% of adults with ADHD have a comorbid disorder.14 According to a 2006 national study on adult ADHD1: About 40% have been diagnosed with a mood disorder. Nearly 50% have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, including social phobia (30%) and PTSD (12%) About 15% also have a substance use disorder diagnosis The following table from expert William Dodson, M.D., shows how childhood symptoms of ADHD can translate to adulthood. If you think you might have adult ADHD, take this free, anonymous ADHD symptom test for adults. Adult ADHD: Causes What causes ADHD? It’s not entirely clear, but most research suggests these main factors: Genetics or Heredity: ADHD is a highly heritable condition. Approximately half of parents with ADHD will have a child with the condition.6 Recent genetics research also points to several markers that appear to be associated with ADHD development.15 Environmental Factors: Studies suggest that exposure to extreme stress, trauma, or certain toxins – like lead16or bisphenol-A17 –increase the risk or severity of ADHD symptoms. Disruption of Development: Brain injury18 or events that affect the central nervous system dur ing development,like preterm birth19 or alcohol use during pregnancy,20 may have a major role in ADHD development. ADHD is not a result of poor diet, inadequate exercise, excessive screen time, or socioeconomic factors – though some of these factors and other stressors may worsen ADHD symptoms in some individuals. And while widely considered achildhood condition, researchers continue to explore whether ADHD onset can occur in adulthood.21 Adult ADHD Diagnosis Healthcare providers use symptom criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) to establish an adult ADHD diagnosis.22 The DSM-5 lists nine symptoms that suggest predominantly inattentive ADHD(often called ADD), and nine separate symptoms that suggest predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD. An adult can be diagnosed with either ADHD subtype — or Combined Type ADHD — if they exhibit at least five of the nine symptoms in two or more settings – at work and at home, for example – for at least six months. An adult ADHD symptom assessment often includes the following with a clinician experienced in adult ADHD: A medical exam to rule out other commonly related conditions (see comorbid conditions above) A clinical interview to gather information about family medical and symptom history, especially in childhood ADHD rating scales completed by the adult and/or those known to them to assess symptoms, strengths, and weaknesses A complete assessment may take several visits and/or visits with an ADHD specialist. Adult ADHD Treatment The best treatment for adult ADHD is a combination of therapy and medication.23 24 Adults should expect to work closely with their physicians to adjust medication and dosage, and to find the right ADHD treatment combination to alleviate symptoms. Adult ADHD Medication There are two main types of medication used to treat ADHD: Stimulants Non-stimulants Stimulant Medications for Adult ADHD Stimulants are considered first-line pharmacological treatment for adult ADHD25, and fall into two major categories: Methylphenidates (Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, etc.) Amphetamines (Adderall, Vyvanse, Evekeo, etc.). All stimulant medications are different forms of these two types of medication. Non-stimulant Medications for Ad ult ADHD Several types of non-stimulants (considered second-line treatments) are used to treat ADHD. FDA-approved non-stimulant medications, like Strattera or Intuniv, were specifically designed to treat ADHD. Other non-stimulant medications are used “off-label” to address ADHD symptoms. These include clonidine for ADHD, Wellbutrin for ADHD, blood pressure medications, or wakefulness-promoting medications.Physicians turn to these medications when other ADHD treatment is not effective because they have similar mechanisms of action in the body as some ADHD medications. Adult ADHD Therapy Most adults experience symptom reduction with ADHD medication, but many continue to struggle with work, day-to-day responsibilities, or low self-esteem due to a lifetime with attention deficit disorder. ADHD medication can regulate the brain neurologically. Psychotherapy or profession al guidance can organize and motivate adults with ADHD to address specific challenges through conditioning. Common ones include: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) ADHD or life coaching These therapies and interventions, combined with education about ADHD, can help adults recognize the places where ADD symptoms are causing difficulty in their lives and work to change negative patterns Lifestyle Changes and Natural Remedies for Adult ADHD Environmental factors play a big role in the severity of ADHD symptoms in adults. Adults with ADHD can positively impact their symptoms by modifying lifestyle factors like: Sleep: Sleep problems are common among adults with ADHD. Adequate rest — 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night— has a positive effect on the ADHD brain and functioning, and can help with symptom management.26 Adult ADHD: AD D Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment 5/6 Exercise: Studies show that exercise has a positive impact on ADHD brains and can help with reducing symptoms.27 28 Mindfulness and meditation activities can also help with symptom regulation.29 Diet: Everyone benefits from a healthy diet, and that includes adults with ADHD, many of whom self-report better symptom management by maintaining a balanced diet. Supplements: Iron, zinc, and magnesium are often naturally low in people with ADHD. Many ADHD individuals take these as supplements, though research on the benefits are inconclusive.30 Melatonin can also help with sleep difficulties. There are also a wide variety of natural remedies for ADHD that may help to alleviate symptoms. Month of May, 2023 BLOG 2 ON ADHD taken from: What is ADHD? ADHD is one of the most common psychiatric conditions ADHD is commonly defined as a childhood-onset neurodevelopmental condition characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. It often carries on into adulthood. 65% of diagnosed children continue to have ADHD as adults. There are three commonly diagnosed types of ADHD: Predominantly inattentive: Difficulty paying attention, forgetful, or easily distracted Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type: Fidgety, talkative, impatient behavior Combined (inattentive/hyperactive-impulsive ADHD): Shows symptoms of both A family history of ADHD increases your risk The exact cause of ADHD is still unknown. While environmental factors such as low birth weight, delivery complications, and ex posure to toxins have been identified as potential causes, the biggest factor is genetic. You have an estimated 75-90% chance of having ADHD if a member of your family has it ADHD INTO ADULTHOOD ADHD is a 24/7 disorder that often sticks around into adulthood Can you outgrow ADHD? It is widely accepted that ADHD is more common than previously thought; up to 65% of patients with childhood ADH D continue to have difficulties in adulthood. Did you know ADHD is now recognized as one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses in adults with a prevalence of approximately 5% in the US? That’s about 10 million diagnosed adults ADHD symptoms often look different in adults than children While symptoms of ADHD are the same throughout your life, they look different in adulthood. Many adults with ADHD are less likely to exhibit obvious hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. It is often more inattentive symptoms instead, especially in adult females. #main-wrapper DIAGNOSING ADULT ADHD Many adults with ADHD remain undiagnosed Just because you weren’t diagnosed as a kid, doesn’t mean you don’t have ADHD Sometimes ADHD symptoms are overlooked in childhood, leading to a missed diagnosis. Knowing what symptoms to look for as an adult is key. Do any of the following sound familiar to you? ADHD symptoms of inattention in adults Careless mistakes: Do you have difficulty with detail, overlooking or missing mistakes at work? Or do you often get lost in the details? Focus: Do you find it hard to focus during work, in conversations, or while reading something lengthy? Poor listener: Are you often perceived as someone who doesn’t pay attention in conversations, even without any obvious distractions? Following direction: Do you find that you fail to complete tasks at work or at home? Or do you tend to start a task and become easily side-tracked? Staying organized: Do you struggle to stay organized at work or at home? Is time management or missing deadlines an issue for you? Sustained interest: Do you struggle with tasks that require continued mental effort like completing forms or reviewing lengthy documents? Do you sometimes avoid those tasks? Or find that you will hyper focus on the wrong tasks? Misplacing items: Do you often forget or misplace items of importance like your phone, wallet, or keys? Easily distracted: Does your mind wander or drift to unrelated thoughts? Do you often find you have multiple thoughts at once or jump from thought to thought spontaneously? Forgetful: Do you often forget to get back to people, or miss a bill or appointment? ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity Fidgety: Are you often tapping your hands or feet or find yourself unable to sit still? Staying seated: Do you often find yourself wandering around when you should be at your desk, in a meeting, or seated at a social event? Restlessness: Are excessive movement or feelings of restlessness an issue in your day to day? Is it hard to relax or do you struggle with sleep? Being quiet: Is it hard for you to quietly engage in leisure activities? Staying still: Are you often impulsively “on the go,” finding it uncomfortable to be still for an extended period of time at work or in a social setting like a movie? Have you ever been described as hard to keep up with? Talkative: Do you find yourself talking excessively or too loudly at times? Interrupting: Do you sometimes blurt out an answer before a question is even completed, or find yourself finishing people’s sentences? Waiting your turn: Do you struggle with waiting in line or waiting for your turn at something? Intruding on others: Do you ever interrupt conversations or find yourself taking over what others are doing without asking? Do you do these things impulsively? Combined (inattentive/hyperactive-impulsive ADHD) Do you show symptoms of both inattentive ADHD and hyperactive-impulsive ADHD? See yourself in 5 or more symptoms in either of these categories? Consider talking to your doctor

  • #4 April 2023: Who Says You Can't Teach Our Brain New Tricks? - "What is ADHD?"

    This blog is being written and monitored by Dr. Sharon Kochlany (one of the LCWA board members) who is an expert in cognitive training and executive function. She is an executive function coach and a Play Attention Certified Provider. Each week, she will share another tip to improve your cognitive skills. The brain at any age can improve. Research is now showing that many adults have ADHD. These adults went throughout school without ever being diagnosed. Many of these blogs will revolve around Adult and child ADHD as many of us have grandchildren or children with ADHD as well. Those who have ADHD have weaknesses in executive function and therefore this will be another area of brain processing that will be covered. Come back each month to become more aware of what you can do so that you can ward off mental decline. I am going to separate these discussions each month as they are getting a little tedious to read in one blog discussion. Feel free to contribute to the blog as well. Writing can help executive function. Post your questions as well. Picture is copied from Month of April, 2023 taken from: What is ADHD? ADHD is one of the most common psychiatric conditions ADHD is commonly defined as a childhood-onset neurodevelopmental condition characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. It often carries on into adulthood. 65% of diagnosed children continue to have ADHD as adults. There are three commonly diagnosed types of ADHD: Predominantly inattentive: Difficulty paying attention, forgetful, or easily distracted Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type: Fidgety, talkative, impatient behavior Combined (inattentive/hyperactive-impulsive ADHD): Shows symptoms of both A family history of ADHD increases your risk The exact cause of ADHD is still unknown. While environmental factors such as low birth weight, delivery complications, and ex posure to toxins have been identified as potential causes, the biggest factor is genetic. You have an estimated 75-90% chance of having ADHD if a member of your family has it ADHD INTO ADULTHOOD ADHD is a 24/7 disorder that often sticks around into adulthood Can you outgrow ADHD? It is widely accepted that ADHD is more common than previously thought; up to 65% of patients with childhood ADH D continue to have difficulties in adulthood. Did you know ADHD is now recognized as one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses in adults with a prevalence of approximately 5% in the US? That’s about 10 million diagnosed adults ADHD symptoms often look different in adults than children While symptoms of ADHD are the same throughout your life, they look different in adulthood. Many adults with ADHD are less likely to exhibit obvious hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. It is often more inattentive symptoms instead, especially in adult females. #main-wrapper DIAGNOSING ADULT ADHD Many adults with ADHD remain undiagnosed Just because you weren’t diagnosed as a kid, doesn’t mean you don’t have ADHD Sometimes ADHD symptoms are overlooked in childhood, leading to a missed diagnosis. Knowing what symptoms to look for as an adult is key. Do any of the following sound familiar to you? ADHD symptoms of inattention in adults Careless mistakes: Do you have difficulty with detail, overlooking or missing mistakes at work? Or do you often get lost in the details? Focus: Do you find it hard to focus during work, in conversations, or while reading something lengthy? Poor listener: Are you often perceived as someone who doesn’t pay attention in conversations, even without any obvious distractions? Following direction: Do you find that you fail to complete tasks at work or at home? Or do you tend to start a task and become easily side-tracked? Staying organized: Do you struggle to stay organized at work or at home? Is time management or missing deadlines an issue for you? Sustained interest: Do you struggle with tasks that require continued mental effort like completing forms or reviewing lengthy documents? Do you sometimes avoid those tasks? Or find that you will hyper focus on the wrong tasks? Misplacing items: Do you often forget or misplace items of importance like your phone, wallet, or keys? Easily distracted: Does your mind wander or drift to unrelated thoughts? Do you often find you have multiple thoughts at once or jump from thought to thought spontaneously? Forgetful: Do you often forget to get back to people, or miss a bill or appointment? ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity Fidgety: Are you often tapping your hands or feet or find yourself unable to sit still? Staying seated: Do you often find yourself wandering around when you should be at your desk, in a meeting, or seated at a social event? Restlessness: Are excessive movement or feelings of restlessness an issue in your day to day? Is it hard to relax or do you struggle with sleep? Being quiet: Is it hard for you to quietly engage in leisure activities? Staying still: Are you often impulsively “on the go,” finding it uncomfortable to be still for an extended period of time at work or in a social setting like a movie? Have you ever been described as hard to keep up with? Talkative: Do you find yourself talking excessively or too loudly at times? Interrupting: Do you sometimes blurt out an answer before a question is even completed, or find yourself finishing people’s sentences? Waiting your turn: Do you struggle with waiting in line or waiting for your turn at something? Intruding on others: Do you ever interrupt conversations or find yourself taking over what others are doing without asking? Do you do these things impulsively? Combined (inattentive/hyperactive-impulsive ADHD) Do you show symptoms of both inattentive ADHD and hyperactive-impulsive ADHD? See yourself in 5 or more symptoms in either of these categories? Consider talking to your doctor

  • #3 March 2023: Who Says You Can't Teach Our Brain New Tricks? -"How The Seasons Affect Our Brains"

    This blog is being written and monitored by Dr. Sharon Kochlany (one of the LCWA board members) who is an expert in cognitive training and executive function. She is an executive function coach and a Play Attention Certified Provider. Each week, she will share another tip to improve your cognitive skills. The brain at any age can improve. Research is now showing that many adults have ADHD. These adults went throughout school without ever being diagnosed. Many of these blogs will revolve around Adult and child ADHD as many of us have grandchildren or children with ADHD as well. Those who have ADHD have weaknesses in executive function and therefore this will be another area of brain processing that will be covered. Come back each month to become more aware of what you can do so that you can ward off mental decline. I am going to separate these discussions each month as they are getting a little tedious to read in one blog discussion. Feel free to contribute to the blog as well. Writing can help executive function. Post your questions as well. Picture is copied from Month of March, 2023 Taken from Luminosity Blog via the Luminosity newsletter: Fountain, Aimee (2020, July 13). To every brain there is a season: How the seasons affect our brains To Every Brain There Is a Season: How the Seasons Affect Our Brains While the notion that celestial bodies affect our personalities and human affairs has no scientific basis, the planet’s orientation toward the sun does. Another way of putting it? Astrology isn’t real, but seasonal changes affect our moods and even our cognition. Seasonal affective disorder or, SAD, is the most widely known affliction showing the influence the seasons have on our brains. It’s characterized by recurrent clinical depression, and it particularly affects people in northern latitudes, where seasonal amounts of daylight vary more than they do nearer the equator. Scandinavians in particular experience SAD in large numbers and go to what may seem like extremes to combat it: many undergo light therapy, but one town in Norway installed mirrors to direct light into the valley where they lived, because the sun never rose above the surrounding mountains during the depths of winter. If this sounds like overkill, consider that there is a strong correlation between depression and cognitive impairment. Attention, memory and information processing are all impacted negatively by depression, and according to one study, the cognitive effects of depression haven’t been well treated with antidepressants. So it makes sense that people might go to great lengths to prevent seasonal depression before it sets in. Cognition in winter isn’t just mood-dependent either. People in general tend to be ‘smarter’ in summer and fall than they are in winter and spring. That is, in one study older adults performed so much better on neuropsychological tests during warmer months that it translated to a 4.8 year cognitive-age difference. This difference was particularly noticeable when it came to working memory and speed of perception. While this seasonal discrepancy might not seem like a big deal—after all, a few months would theoretically bring you back up to snuff—the same study showed that people were 24% more likely to be diagnosed with cognitive impairments including Alzheimer’s Disease if they were tested in winter or spring. Seasonal changes in cognition can have long-term implications. Scientists still have on ly a partial understanding of the biological mechanisms behind brain health’s seasonal variations. Serotonin levels, which are closely associated with mood, appear to fluctuate with the seasons. There is also seasonal oscillation of gene expression and even blood cell composition, with upwards of 5,000 genes being expressed more strongly in different seasons. Not only do these changes create many potential ways to impact cognitive function, but the immune system is markedly more prone to inflammation in the winter and shows increased risk for “cardiovascular, psychiatric and autoimmune diseases.” Scientists know these changes are seasonal and not, say, due to temperature changes because they don’t occur at different points in the day (ie. morning vs. night) and because they persist even when people are tested during sensory deprivation of seasonal signals. And, as expected, there is an inversion of the seasonal cognitive pattern when researchers looked at countries in the southern hemisphere so that Australian summer (December - March) yields better mood and cognition. So, while a “snowbird” retiree’s seasonal move from, say, New York to Florida probably won’t quite do the trick, it seems like actual migratory birds may be onto something…. Christmas in Argentina, anyone? By Aimee Fountain References:

  • #2 February 2023: Who Says You Can't Teach Our Brain New Tricks? - "How to Clear Up Brain Fog"

    This blog is being written and monitored by Dr. Sharon Kochlany (one of the LCWA board members) who is an expert in cognitive training and executive function. She is an executive function coach and a Play Attention Certified Provider. Each week, she will share another tip to improve your cognitive skills. The brain at any age can improve. Research is now showing that many adults have ADHD. These adults went throughout school without ever being diagnosed. Many of these blogs will revolve around Adult and child ADHD as many of us have grandchildren or children with ADHD as well. Those who have ADHD have weaknesses in executive function and therefore this will be another area of brain processing that will be covered. Come back each month to become more aware of what you can do so that you can ward off mental decline. I am going to separate these discussions each month as they are getting a little tedious to read in one blog discussion. Feel free to contribute to the blog as well. Writing can help executive function. Post your questions as well. Picture is copied from the Westford Senior Helpers website at: Month of February, 2023 How to Clear Up Brain Fog - Consumer Reports Mental cloudiness may arise with long COVID but can also be caused by meds, depression, insomnia, and more By Kevin Loria August 9, 2022… Illustration: Getty Images Brain fog, characterized by difficulty focusing, sluggish thinking, and memory lapses, is a common symptom of long COVID – the complex condition that sometimes emerges after a case of COVID – 19. But brain fog isn’t unique too long COVID. Chronic insomnia, a head injury, stroke, depression, cancer therapies, and drug side effects can all lead to a similar, often troubling mental cloudiness. There’s no perfect treatment for brain fog, but doctors may be able to treat some of the conditions that can cause it, says Zaldy Tan, MD, director of the Bernard and Maxine Platzer Lynn Family Memory and Healthy Aging Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Here’s what we know about brain fog, and what experts say you should do if you are experiencing it. Understanding Brain Fog Brain fog differs from cognitive changes that can occur with age, Flanagan and other experts say. While it’s not uncommon for the retrieval of information to get a bits lower with age—taking longer to recall a name, for example—what doctors consider brain fog tends to come on more abruptly and is often linked to a specific event, such as a head injury or COVID-19. But factors associated with aging could increase the risk of brain fog, such as taking multiple meds. And brain fog is distinct from dementia, which is a progressive condition. The exact biological causes of brain fog aren’t clear, says Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, MD, PhD, director of the Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Research Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and a member of the American Neurological Association. Damage to the small blood vessels around the brain could potentially play a role, he says. And in many cases, stress or anxiety could exacerbate symptoms. Many experts think the cause could also be inflammation lingering in the brain after COVID-19 or head trauma, Flanagan says. What You Can Do to Clear Up Brain Fog Diaz-Arrastia says that potential solutions will depend on the exact nature of someone’s brain fog and how it’s affecting their daily life. So your initial step should be consulting a physician and explaining your symptoms. Your provider may refer you to a neuropsychologist for a formal cognitive assessment. That might lead to therapy to identify cognitive strengths that can compensate for impairment. Here are some other strategies that doctors might suggest to help ease brain fog. Limit meds and alcohol. Tan says one of the first things to do is cut back on alcohol and try to eliminate unnecessary medications, especially any drugs known to leave people feeling foggy. Those can include tranquilizers, as well as pills used to treat insomnia. But ask your doctor before stopping meds. Improve sleep. An episode of jet lag can cause short-lived brain fog, but people with chronic sleep problems can experience this consistently. Practicing good sleep hygiene may help, Flanagan says. That means having a consistent bedtime; sleeping in a cool, dark room; and avoiding screens for an hour before bed. Exercise. For those who are able to do aerobic exercise, there’s good evidence that it may help clear mental fogginess. Someone with severe brain fog should work with a physical therapist, however. Trying to exercise solo can be risky in this case, Diaz-Arrastia says, and can exacerbate long-COVID symptoms. Reduce your cognitive load. Take steps to put less stress on your memory, Tan says. Consider relying on lists instead of your memory, for example, and try to avoid multitasking until you feel better. Address mental health. People who have depression can develop brain fog that affects memory and lasts for months or years, Tan says. Therapy or antidepressants may help ease brain fog, as well as other symptoms. People who report brain fog describe it as “the sense they can’t do cognitively what they could before . . . they don’t feel as mentally sharp,” says Steven Flanagan, MD, chair of rehabilitation medicine at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine. People may report problems multitasking, articulating words, or finding things around the house, Tan says.

  • #1 Jan 23 : Who Says You Can't Teach Our Brain New Tricks? -"Cognitive Skills & Executive Function?"

    January, 2023: This blog is being written and monitored by Dr. Sharon Kochlany (one of the LCWA board members) who is an expert in cognitive training and executive function. She is an executive function coach and a Play Attention Certified Provider. Each week, she will share another tip to improve your cognitive skills. The brain at any age can improve. Research is now showing that many adults have ADHD. These adults went throughout school without ever being diagnosed. Many of these blogs will revolve around Adult and child ADHD as many of us have grandchildren or children with ADHD as well. Those who have ADHD have weaknesses in executive function and therefore this will be another area of brain processing that will be covered. Come back each month to become more aware of what you can do so that you can ward off mental decline. I am going to separate these discussions each month as they are getting a little tedious to read in one blog discussion. Feel free to contribute to the blog as well. Writing can help executive function. Post your questions as well. Month of January, 2023 - Blog #1 in the Brain Series Let's begin with understanding what cognitive skills are and how they relate to executive function. Keep in mind that these things can be improved and future blog episodes will explain how to do this. Simply put, "Cognitive skills are the core skills your brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Working together, they take incoming information and move it into the bank of knowledge you use every day at school, at work, and in life." ( Here are the major cognitive skills we use daily: Executive function is the control center of the brain. It consists of the cognitive skills listed above "... that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. We use these skills every day to learn, work, and manage daily life. Trouble with executive function can make it hard to focus, follow directions, and handle emotions, among other things." (

  • Intro - Who Says You Can't Teach Our Brain New Tricks? - Introduction to the Monthly Brain Blog Series

    This blog is being written and monitored by Dr. Sharon Kochlany (one of the LCWA board members) who is an expert in cognitive training and executive function. She is an executive function coach and a Play Attention Certified Provider. Each week, she will share another tip to improve your cognitive skills. The brain at any age can improve. Research is now showing that many adults have ADHD. These adults went throughout school without ever being diagnosed. Many of these blogs will revolve around Adult and child ADHD as many of us have grandchildren or children with ADHD as well. Those who have ADHD have weaknesses in executive function and therefore this will be another area of brain processing that will be covered. Come back each month to become more aware of what you can do so that you can ward off mental decline. I am going to separate these discussions each month as they are getting a little tedious to read in one blog discussion. Feel free to contribute to the blog as well. Writing can help executive function. Post your questions as well. Picture is copied from the Westford Senior Helpers website at: Index of Blogs in the Series: January 2023: Blog #1 - Cognitive Skills & Executive Function February 2023: Blog #2 - Brain Fog March 2023: Blog #3 - To Every Brain There Is a Season: How the Seasons Affect Our Brains April 2023: Blog #4 - What is ADHD? May 2023: Blog #5 - Do You Have ADHD?

  • Be In The Know!

    This is a place to share tidbits of knowledge with others. Add informational items that might be of interest to fellow members such as latest scams, financial advice, community services, new restaurants or shops nearby, etc.

  • Welcome to the LCWA Blog!

    Introduction: The LCWA blogs are intended to provide an open forum to express your reflections and ideas related to our organization's mission and vision. Sometimes, they will further discussion on a topic presented at our meetings. They might contain helpful tips and/or recommendations regarding technology, senior living, health, diet, community events, books, events etc. At other times, they might focus on member accomplishments, businesses, crafts, hobbies, etc. They will be an evolving platform becoming what you the members want them to be. We don't want to be restrictive and say there will be only one new topic per week or per month. There may be several new blogs posted at once. They will be created on a as needs basis. Some Guidelines: The blogs are meant to be positive and uplifting. They provide LCWA members opportunities to broaden their awareness on topics and provide positive input to the organization. This is not an avenue to vent or get political. Each member and their ideas are to be respected. If you don't have something nice to say, then please don't post! The blog will be monitored. Anyone violating these guidelines will lose their posting privileges.

  • Keep the ideas coming...

    Click here to expand. We started collecting ideas for fundraising, volunteering opportunities, and fun events at our meeting on January 20th for the future! Our mission is to help stop child abuse by contributing donations to the Lake Sumter Advocacy Center, while building friendships amongst our members and having fun! Please continue the discussion by posting additional ideas that you might have.

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