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Christmas Tree Ornament

You have two options (#1 and #2) to register and pay for the Luncheon/Meetings.

Registrations for the monthly luncheons/meetings and special events are non-refundable.  You may have your lunch picked up by a friend to be taken home to you if can not attend.

Option #1 (Cash or Check): The cost for lunch if paying by cash or check is $30.00.  Make checks payable to:  LCWA and mail to P.O. Box 526, Okahumpka, FL. 34762.  The check for the December 14th luncheon MUST be received by Friday, December 8th, 2023 - NO EXCEPTIONS.

Please note your MENU Choice on your Check.

1.  Garden Salad with a Choice of Ranch or Balsalmic Vinagerette Dressing
2. Tomato Basil Soup

Main Course:
1.  Grilled Salmon with Fresh Dill Cream Sauce, Arlington Rice Pilaf & Vegetable Medley

2.  Chicken Piccata with White Wine Lemon Capers, Arlington Rice Pilaf & Vegetables

3.  Flank Steak (Medium Rare to Medium) with Roasted Red Potatoes & Vegetable Medley

Dessert is Included along with Coffee, Tea or Water.

Option #2 (Online): Register and pay online: Complete the form below.  There is a $1.00 additional processing fee for paying using Paypal or a credit card for a total of $31.  We can not accept Paypal payments presently.  We are working on correcting this issue.

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Come to the December 14th Luncheon at 11:30am ​at Arlington Ridge.
Online Registrations Will Close On December 8th At 10:00pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

Dessert is Included along with Coffee, Tea, or Water.

Register using a separate form page for each guest
and one for yourself if you are a member.

If you are coming as a guest of a member, please enter the hosting member's name under your name and email.
Select One Starter and One Entree Below
Choose One Starter
Choose Your Entree
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