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Golden Leaves

You have two options (#1 and #2) to register and pay for the Luncheon/Meetings.

Registrations for the monthly luncheons/meetings and special events are non-refundable.  You may have your lunch picked up by a friend to be taken home to you if can not attend.

Option #1 (Cash or Check): The cost for lunch if paying by cash or check is $22.00.  Make checks payable to:  LCWA and mail to P.O. Box 526, Okahumpka, FL. 34762.  The check for the November 16th luncheon MUST be received by Friday, November 10th, 2023 at 9:00pm - NO EXCEPTIONS.

We are having a very special Thanksgiving Menu, which will consist of:

Roasted Turkey plus Glazed Ham
Traditional Stuffing
Green Bean Casserole

Apple Cobbler

Dessert is Included along with Coffee, Tea or Water.

Option #2 (Online): Register and pay online: Complete the form below.  There is a $1.00 additional processing fee for paying using Paypal or a credit card for a total of $23.  We can not accept Paypal payments presently. We are working on correcting this issue.

Children Lining for Treats
Come to the November 16th SPECIAL THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON at 11:30am ​at Arlington Ridge.
Online Registrations Will Close On November 10th At 9:00pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

We are having a very special
Thanksgiving Menu, which will consist of:

Roasted Turkey plus Glazed Ham
Traditional Stuffing
Green Bean Casserole
Apple Cobbler

Dessert is Included along with Coffee, Tea, or Water.

Register using a separate form page for each guest
and one for yourself if you are a member.

If you are coming as a guest of a member, please enter the hosting member's name under your name and email.
Choose Your Entree

Thanks for registering for our Special Thanksgiving November 16th Luncheon!


           Lu Giordano                          

    5342 Butterfly Court                        
    Leesburg FL 34748                              
    USA                                                           352-728-1277                               


Cathy Schultzel                           

5313 butterfly court                            
Leesburg FL 34748



Sharon Kochlany, Ed.D.


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